
2024-07-30 08:48:00来源:网络



  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay that begins with the sentence “It is now widely accepted that mutual trust and openness is the key to promoting cooperation.” You can make comments, cite examples or use your personal experiences to develop your essay. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


  本次六级作文题目主要是关于“信任和坦诚有利于合作关系 ”,写作内容可以对这一观 点表示赞同,并且从正反两面进行论证。


  第 一段:指出合作的基础是互相信任和开诚布公。



  必 备词汇

  alliance [ə ˈlaɪəns] n.联盟

  party [ˈpa:ti] n.(契约的)一方;聚会;党派

  trivial [ˈtrɪviəl] a.琐碎的,不重要的

  dispute [dɪˈspjuːt] n./v.争论

  substantial [səbˈstænʃ(ə)l] a.价值巨大的;牢固的

  accomplishment [ə ˈkʌmplɪʃmənt] n.成就

  Brexit [ˈbreksɪt] n.英国脱欧

  win-win [ˌwɪnˈwɪn] a.双赢的;互利互惠的

  integrate [ˈɪntɪɡreɪt] v.使……成为一体

  pandemic [pænˈdemɪk] n.大流行病

  confine [kənˈfaɪn] v.防止……扩散;限制

  endeavor [ɪn'devə] n.努力;尽力

  on top of that 在此之上

  code of conduct 行为准则

  mutual trust 互相信任

  lay the foundation 奠定基础

  reach a common ground 达成共识

  a typical example 典例

  be nailed down 明确,确定

  spare no effort in doing sth. 做……不遗余力

  put an end to sth. 终止某事

  reinforce each other 互相为用


  It is now widely accepted that mutual trust and openness is the key to promote cooperation. United we stand, divided we fall. On top of that, mutual trust and openness is the code of for any achievement, whether it is between individuals and organizations, or even nations. If the interested parties cannot reach a common ground in trust, they will be trapped in trivial disputes, and no substantial accomplishment can be made. Brexit, for instance, serves as a typical example. Britain and the EU both want the best for themselves, and win-win deal is nearly impossible to be nailed down. On the contrary, in the fight against COVID- 19 in our country, every part of the society has been integrated and spared no effort in defeating the pandemic and putting an end to the infection. No one held back their resources to themselves. In this way, our nation has become the model for confining the spread of the virus.

  In the endeavor to enhance cooperation, trust and frankness is necessary and will reinforce each other to lift the collaboration to a higher level.




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