
2024-06-11 08:27:00来源:网络



  1. To obtain a satisfactory result, one must apply two ______of paint on a clean surface.

  A. coats B. levels C. times D. courses

  2. The small mountain village was ______by the snow for more than one month.?

  A. cut back B. cut out

  C. cut off D. cut away

  3. Miss Green was ______ $100 for driving after drinking.

  A. fined B. charged C. punished D. posed

  4. Modern ______ perhaps causes more problems than it solves.

  A. technique B. technology C. tactics D. tendency

  5. Mary tiptoed over and took the clock away because she hated to hear it ______ when she was trying to go to sleep.

  A. sounding B. ringing C. ticking D. humming

  6. Under this ______pressure some of the rocks even became liquid.

  A. intensive B. weighty C. intense D. bulky

  7. Of course, most immigrants did not get rich overnight, but the ______ of them were eventually able to improve upon their former standard of living.

  A. maximum B. minority C. majority D. minimum

  8. Nancy was surprised that they have ______They seemed to be a happy couple.?

  A. split up B. broken down

  C. fallen through D. knocked out

  9. The beach is in an ideal ______ to draw tourists.

  A. condition B. situation C. state D. publicity

  10. Our ______ sensitivity decreases with age. By age 60, most people have lost 40 percent of their ability to smell and 50 percent of their taste buds.

  A. sensible B. senseless C. sensitive D. sensory


  1. A) 【句意】为获得一个满意的结果,你必须在一个干净的表面上涂两层油漆。


  2. C) 【句意】这个小山村被大雪封住达一个多月。

  【难点】cut back意为“削减;缩减”;cut out意为“停止;切下”;cut off意为“切断;使隔断”;cut away意为“切除;砍掉”。

  3. A) 【句意】格林小姐因酒后驾车被罚100美元。


  4. B) 【句意】现代技术所引发的问题也许比它所能解决的要多。


  5. C) 【句意】玛丽蹑手蹑脚走过来把钟拿走了,因为她讨厌在自己想睡觉的时候听它滴哒地响。


  6. C) 【句意】在这种强大的压力下,一些岩石甚至变成了液体。


  7. C) 【句意】当然,大多数移民不是一夜之间就发财的,但是他们大多最终改善了自己的生活水平。


  8. A) 【句意】南希对他们的离婚表示十分惊讶,因为他们似乎是一对快乐的夫妇。

  【难点】split up意为“分裂,离婚”;break down意为“(精神方面)垮掉;(健康)变得衰弱;崩溃”;fall through意为“失败;成为泡影”;knock out意为“使筋疲力尽”。

  9. B) 【句意】这片海滩所处位置理想,吸引了很多游客。


  10. D) 【句意】我们的感官能力随着年龄的增长而下降。比如说,到60岁的时候,多数人失去了他们40%的嗅觉能力和50%的味觉能力。





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