2024年6月英语六级听力长线备考:The War on Disease Goes Miniature

2024-01-08 08:25:00来源:网络

  都说英语六级听力很难,而且六级听力分值又很大,要想顺利考过六级就必须要解决听力,英语六级听力怎么提高?新东方在线汇总了“2024年6月英语六级听力长线备考:The War on Disease Goes Miniature”,帮助大家更好地做好考前复习。

  2024年6月英语六级听力长线备考:The War on Disease Goes Miniature

  1.According to the passage, what is the prospect of medicine? Vast and also ...

  2.What is one of the hottest areas of nanoresearch? Better ...

  3.What are scientists now working on? ...

  4.What does Robert Lnger plan to do with the chip? To add ... to it.

  The future of medicine is vast--and it's also amazingly small. One day in the next century, thanks to the burgeoning field of nanotechnology, you could walk out of the doctor's office with a prescription for cancer detectors so tiny you can't see them. In this Lilliputian world, units are measured in nanometers--10,000 times smaller than the diameter of a single human hair. The idea is that if we can build new drugs and devices molecule by molecule, the way the tissues and organs in our own bodies are formed, we can make them much more targeted and effective. One of the hottest areas of nanoresearch is better drug delivery. Scientists are now working on a miniaturized sensor for diabetics that mimics the glucose-detection system in a healthy body. The device, possibly implanted under the skin, would monitor blood-sugar levels, then release insulin as needed. And researchers at MIT recentle made a prototype for an entire mimi-pharmacy: a microchip (implanted or swallowed) with as many as 1,000 tiny reservoirs - each the size of a pinprick-that can hold 25 nanoliters of anything from painkillers to antibiotics. MIT's Robert Lnger says the chip, now the size of a dime, can be made even smaller. And he plans to make it "smart" by adding a sensor that will know when to release a drug and what the does should be.

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