2024年6月英语六级听力长线备考:Cupid Academy

2024-01-02 08:13:00来源:网络

  都说英语六级听力很难,而且六级听力分值又很大,要想顺利考过六级就必须要解决听力,英语六级听力怎么提高?新东方在线汇总了“2024年6月英语六级听力长线备考:Cupid Academy”,帮助大家更好地做好考前复习。

  2024年6月英语六级听力长线备考:Cupid Academy

  1.What does Elizabeth Biondi want to do? Be ...

  2.What fueled the dating explosion? ...

  3.What does Matchmaking Instiute offer? ... for would-be Cupids in the States.

  4.Why have some singles grown increasingly weary of attending web datings? Because they are faced with ...

  Elizabeth Biondi wants to be a matchmaker. After a devastating breskup with a boyfriend, the Detroit social worker decided to channel her romantic energy into someting constructive. She had always enjoyed setting frienda up on dates- why not strangers? So Binodi, 25, hopped on a plane to New York City and enrollde in matchmaking school. Biondi is in good company. Dating services have blossomed over the past few years to become a billion-dollar industry. Although the Internet fueled dating explosion, reallife matchmakers with names like Great Expectations an It's Just Lunch are popping up around the U.S. like valentines in J.Lo's mailbox. The Matchmaking Institute, which offers the first certification course for would-be Cupids in the States, opened and is attracting students from as far away as Singapore. The Internet is playing a double role in matchmaking's revival. On the one hand, the ubiquity of online dating-1 in 10 Web surfers uses those sites, which get 40 million hits a month - has eased Americans' hang-ups about paying a third party to set up dates. On the other hand, Web-dating singles have grown increasingly weary of the attending aggravations - the overly flattering photos, the fibbing bios, the lessthan-honnrable intentions, the inevitable let down of that first date.

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