2024年12月英语六级听力短文:Where people live

2024-07-08 08:49:00来源:网络

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  2024年12月英语六级听力短文:Where people live

  Some people live in one community all their lives, while others move around almost as much as nomads. Both experiences have their advantages as well as disadvantages.

  People who stay in one spot can develop lifelong friendships, and such friends may lend a hand if trouble comes. They know each other's life history, and they judge each other for the kind of person each is, not for the image their project.

  Yet spending a lifetime in one location can also lock a person into a limited way of life. Personal change may become very difficult. People with few experiences may develop a narrow outlook and find it hard to understand those who have different ethnic, racial, or religious backgrounds.

  By staying in different places for varying length of time, people can broaden their outlook but still have enough time to make adjustments and form friendships.

  以上就是“2024年12月英语六级听力短文:Where people live”,希望可以给大家在学习的时候带来帮助。


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