
2023-03-06 13:49:25来源:网络


  2023年3月的英语六级考试马上开始啦,在写作备考的过程中建议考生在考前背诵一些优秀范文。下面是新东方在线英语六级频道给大家分享的2023年3月英语六级作文必背范文情景作文:诱惑 ,大家可以作为学习的参考。


  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “Good habits result from resisting temptation.” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


  There is a saying that “Good habits result from resisting temptation”, to which I can’t agree more. Unfortunately, lack of determined will and social experience, teenagers frequently fall into the traps of temptations such as Internet games, smoking, drinking, and so on.

  In a bid to form good habits, one needs a strong will and perseverance to resist temptation. Numerous examples can be given but these will suffice. The outstanding habit of reading classic literature on a regular basis is a case in point. Nevertheless, you would definitely have to spend less time on your favorite Internet games or fascinating mobile phones. Likewise, the good habit of doing exercises every day means repeatedly dragging oneself away from the TV series and cozy couch. These cases effectively clarify that good habits arises from resisting temptation.

  As has been mentioned above, a wise mind and determined will should be gradually cultivated so that the adolescents can resist various bad temptations and form excellent habits. Just as Oscar Wilde, an esteemed British novelist put it, “I can resist everything except temptation.”






  result from 源于 resist v. 抵制 temptation n. 诱惑 unfortunately ad. 不幸的是 lack of 缺乏 social experience 社会经验 teenagers n. 年轻人 frequently ad. 经常 fall into the traps 坠入陷阱 Internet games 网络游戏 in a bid to 为了 form good habits 形成良好习惯 strong will 坚强意志 perseverance n. 坚持不懈 numerous a. 无数的 suffice v. 足够 outstanding a. 杰出的 classic literature 经典文学 a case in point 一个恰当的例子 nevertheless conj. 然而 definitely ad. 无疑 favorite a. 最爱的 fascinating a. 迷人的 mobile phone 手机 likewise conj. 又如 doing exercises 进行锻炼 repeatedly ad. 反复地 drag oneself away from 强迫远离 TV series 电视剧 cozy a. 舒适的 couch n. 沙发 effectively ad. 清楚地 clarify v. 证明 wise mind 明智的心态 gradually ad. 逐渐 cultivate v. 培养 so that 如此以至于 adolescent n. 年轻人 various a. 各种各样的 esteemed a. 著名的 British novelist 英国作家




  1. If teenagers stop such time- and health-consuming activities as playing Internet games and spend the time reading several pages of books every day instead, a good habit of reading will be formed and their academic performance will be greatly improved. 如果年轻人停止诸如打网游等浪费时间损害健康的活动,而是每天读几页书籍,他们就会养成良好的阅读习惯,学习成绩也会极大提高。

  2. The world is filled with various kinds of temptation: luxurious designer clothes, round the-clock TV shows, fascinating Internet games especially to the youngsters, and so on.世界上充满了各种各样的诱惑,奢侈的品牌服装、全天候的电视剧和尤其是年轻人沉迷的网络游戏等等。

  3. Developing outstanding habits, undoubtedly, involves great perseverance and determination to stand against a variety of temptations around us. 养成优秀的习惯需要极大的毅力和决心来抵抗身边的各种诱惑。




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