
2022-09-05 08:52:00来源:网络




  47. fans

  baseball and football1 crowds are happiest when they feel that they have become a part of the game that is being played for them. . .. in baseball, sections of the rooters2 set out deliberately to rattle 3 a pitcher with rhythmic or anti-rhythmic hand-clappings, whichever they think will annoy him the most, or by setting up4 a bedlam5 of sound, or by waving somewhat cloudy pocket-handkerchiefs at him. most rooting, as a matter of fact, grows out of the individual spectator’s desire to identify himself with the proceedings on the field, to shake himself free of the anonymity of the crowd and become an active participant in a sport for which nature happens not to have fitted him.

  the loveliest girls in the world sit in the football crowds, their fresh faces framed in fur. the toughest babies in town seem to collect6 at the ball games, idle sisters sitting in pairs chewing gum7, fanning8 themselves with their score cards and adding their harsh screams to the hullabaloo9 that accompanies a sharply hit ball or the race between ball and man for the base . the baseball crowd is cosmopolitan10 . it contains representatives from every walk in life and from every profession. it is the most expert gathering in the world, and the most appreciative of skill. the crowd of sixty thousand that sits in the yankee stadium 11 on a sunday afternoon in midsummer, and the world series12 crowd of the same number that watches the inter-league play-off13 in the fall, are as different as black and white14, although both are looking at the same game. world series spectators aren’t regular baseball fans. most of them have never seen a game before. they are drawn by the ballyhoo , the publicity and the higher prices. they sit on their hands15 and refuse to warm up to the rising and falling tides of battle. the bleacher crowd gets a better view of the game than the snootier patrons in the stands and boxes. they see the game the way the players see it.


  Ⅰ. in this p assa ge , there a re many te rms a bout spor ts and try to wr ite them down a ccording to th e chinese meanings :












  Ⅱ. question :

  try to say something about fans on the field.


  Ⅰ. rooter / cheerleader / pitcher score card / field / fan bleacher / stands / box world series / play-off

  Ⅱ. in baseball, sections of the rooters set out deliberately to rattle a pitcher with rhythmic or anti-rhythmic hand-clappings, whichever they think will annoy him the most, or by setting up a bedlam of sound, or by waving somewhat cloudy pocket-handkerchiefs at him. but there are also some fans who are only drawn by the ballyhoo, the publicity and the higher prices.



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