
2024-12-09 15:01:15来源:新东方在线








With the rapid progress in the economy,it is naturalthat people's ideology is bound for change.


26-30 OBAJL 31-35 DEKNM












Are forgotten crops the future of food?


36-40 FCGJH 41-45ODIEK


36.According to a senior researcher,we will havesecure food supply if we rid ourselves of ignoranceabout native crops.

36.F【定位】业"There is no food insecurity in theworld,there is food ignorance,"says Cecilia

Tortajada,a senior research fellow at the Instituteof Water Policy at the National University ofSingapore.

37.Most of the world's food supply comes from atiny numberout of thousands of crops that havebeen grown for centuries.

37.C【定位】Prof Azam-Ali explainsthat just fourcrops-wheat,maize,rice and soybean-providetwo-thirds of the world's food supply."We'redependent on these four,"he says.“But actually

there's 7,000 crops we've been farming forthousands of years.We ignore all of those."

38.To provide their family with food when thestaple crops failed,some African women farmersgrew local crops in their backyards.

38.G【定位】He came across alternative cropsinthe 1980s through the work of women farmers hemet in Niger.The then-PhD student remembersmarveling at the crops they grew in their

backyards,without the benefits of technology,tofeed their families when the big crops failed.

39.High-yielding crops have occupied a dominantposition in modern agriculture since the greenrevolution in the last century.

39.J【定位】Ever since the"green revolution"ofthe 1960s,high-yielding crops have dominatedmodern agriculture!

40.Growing alternative crops proved feasible in avariety of environments,but the critical question

was whether they would be marketable.

40.H【定位】Undeterred,he ploughed on.Projectafter project helped provethese crops were viableindifferent environments as alternatives to thestaple ones.But the question of whether thesecrops would be marketable remained.

41.According to a professor,when the yields of

staple crops fall,we will have to adapt to eatingfoods from alternative crops.

41.0【定位】“Climate change is going to meanalmost certainly tastes are going to be forced tochange,"says Tim Lang,professor of food policy atCity University of London.We"have to get used toeating other crops"as yields ofstaple crops fall,he says.

42.Urgent measures have to be taken to providefood for the projected world population without号aggravating the climate.

42.D(定位】By 2050 it estimates the world mustproduce 50%more food to feed the projectedglobal population of10 billion.Meetingthisdemand without contributing to climate changecalls for urgent solutions.

43.Colonial rule marginalised local crops bypunishing Africans who grew them.

43.1【定位】The roots of these connotations aboutlocal foods can run deep.The bambara groundnut,a protein-rich native crop of sub-Saharan Africathat is also grown in parts of southeast Asia,cantrace its marginalisation to colonial rule.“Africanwomen who grew bambara groundnut wereactually punished for growing it,"says Azam-Ali.“

44.As existing crops are endangered by globalwarming,we can increase food security bybringing backthe many forgotten food crops.

44.E【定位】Bringing back the variety of cropsihumans once ate also boosts food security at atime warmingclimates threaten existing crops.

45.Researchers are trying to find out how highertemperatures and CO,levels affect the nutritionalcomposition of alternative crops.

45.K【定位】It's one of multiple chambers wherescientists are studying the impact of highertemperatures and carbon dioxide levels on thenutritional make-up of alternative crops.

Passage One


Imagine you're an alien sent to Earth to documentthe behaviour of the mammals inhabiting the planet.


46-50 BBACD

46.The alien finds the audience in the movietheatre clearly in a state of______。

B)extreme excitement

47.Why do many people seek out scary

entertainment,according to the author's research?

B)They find joy in going through simulatedhorrible experiences.

48.What do children learn from hide-and-seek?

A)How to avoid falling prey to an attacker.

49.Why is horror gratifying to many people?

C)It allows them to learn what fear feels like andhow to tackle it.

50.What willone experience if they watcha horrorfilm through without being hurt?

D)A strong sense of being in control.

Passage Two


An awakening has been taking place in the physicalworld against the beauty model...



51.What do we learn about beauty in the digitalarena?

D)It is defined by social media.

52.What does the passage say about beauty in thephysical world?

C)Afight is going on to remove pressure onwomen to conform to an absurd beauty ideal.

53.What do we learn from the passage about theInstagram face?

A)It is now regarded as the new beauty ideal.

54.What has obsessive filtering resulted in?

C)A tendency to regard one's body as an object ofobservation and judgment.

55.What does the author want to emphasize at theend of the passage regarding Americans obsessionwith looks?

B)Psychologicalintervention should beintroduced to alleviate it.


Nowadays,more and more students have realized the im-portance of self-discipline in their personal growth.Thisrecognition stems from the increasing emphasis on indi-vidual development and the pursuit of excellence in bothacademic and personal domains.(如今,越来越多的学生意识到自律在个人成长中的重要性。这种认知源于对个人发展和在学术及个人领域追求卓越的日益重视。)

Firstly,self-discipline is instrumental in time manage-ment.Students who exhibit self-discipline are adept atstructuring their daily routines,which not only enhancestheir productivity but also allows for a harmonious bal-ance between study and leisure.Secondly,the cultivationof self-discipline contributes to the development of robustcharacter traits.By exerting control over their impulsesand maintaining focus on long-term objectives,studentscultivate perseverance and determination.Thirdly,self-discipline is pivotal in fostering asense of accountabil-ity.It empowers students to take ownership of their ac-

tions and outcomes,thereby nurturing a mature and re-sponsible attitude towards life.(首先,自律在时间管理中起着关键作用。表现出自律的学生善于安排他们的日常生活,这不仅提高了他们的生产力,还能在学习和休闲之间实现和谐平衡。其次,自律的培养有助于发展坚韧的性格特质。通过控制自己的冲动并专注于长期目标,学生培养了毅力和决心。第三,自律在培养责任感方面至关重要。它使学生能够对自己的行为和结果负责,从而培养出成熟和负责任的生活态度。)

In conclusion,the significance of self-discipline in person-al growth cannot be overstated.To harness its benefits,students should strive to incorporate self-disciplinarypractices into their daily lives,such as setting realisticgoals and adhering to a disciplined routine.By doing so,they will be well-prepared to navigate the complexities ofboth academic and professional spheres.(总之,自律在个人成长中的重要性不容忽视。为了充分利用自律的好处,学生应努力将自律的实践融入日常生活中,例如设定现实的目标并坚持有纪律的作息。通过这样做,他们将为应对学术和职业领域的复杂性做好充分准备。)



参考译文:The successful development of the BeiDou Satellite Navigation System represents a significant technological advancement for China since the reform and opening-up. Through relentless efforts, researchers have overcome a series of technical challenges, achieving global coverage and high-precision positioning. This accomplishment has made China one of the few countries with an independent satellite navigation system. The BeiDou system has been widely applied in various fields, including public transportation, disaster relief, weather forecasting, and public safety. It has garnered widespread attention worldwide and is beginning to provide high-quality services to an increasing number of countries and regions.



1.A)Changing his major.

2.C)He doesn't think it will provide him with a living.

3.A)Try his best to socialize and build a network inthe art industry.


5.D)Their end-of-semester business projects,

6.C)Raising cattle domestically.


8.B)High-end customers in big cities.

9.A)Parents'talking with them during TV time raisestheir curiosity levels.

10.B)Kids'curiosity levels.

11.B)It can cut into kids'time on exploratory activities.

12.D)Being mindlessly driven to possess more andmore material things.

13.C)We might end up pursuing all the wrong things.

14.C)They should include goals to help other people.

15.A)Drifting through life aimlessly.

16.D)Brain-boosting food and drink.

17.B)Building up a tolerance of it.

18.B)By consuming arich variety of foods.

19.A)Many people across advanced economies thinkthe world is going from bad to worse.

20.C)It is the only way for all countries to shareeconomic prosperity.

21.B)They can be classified as middle class.

22.A)Why smells can activate emotional memories.

23.D)The sensations of scents going directly to thebrain's emotional and memory centers.


25.A)Inaccuracy and alterability.




Ever been talking about something important with…


26-30 LAFGN31-35 HDOMI

26L shadow

27A affectionate

28F flips

29G haltspa

30N typically

31H overburdened

32D erode

33O vigorous

34M tentatively

35I predominates


What isasuper blood wolf moon?


36-40 EKGBH41-45MFNDJ题干、答案和定位处

36.We cannot see the moon at times when it ispositioned right between the earth and the sun.


37.Volcanic eruptions may cause the moon toassume a moody blue color.


38.The moon will be closest to the earth when thesupermoon occurs in February.


39.There is nothing unusual about the super bloodwolf moon,which will bear no resemblance to abloody wolf head.


40.The moon will appear orange when the lightreflecting from it travels through an atmospherethicker than usual.


41.It is contrary to logicto claim the name of wolfmoon originates from the cultures of AmericanIndians.


42.As the moon's orbit is not a hundred-percentcircle,its distance from the earth changes.


43.A full moon inalgiven month or season gets aspecific name in different cultures.


44.There are likely lots of people who know

absolutely nothing about why the moon appearsto change its size regularly but act like they know.


45.When a full moon appears twice in the samemonth,it is nicknamed a blue moon.


Passage One


With population increases and global urbanisationever accelerating,much attention is focused on thesustainability of our cities and scarce attention ispaid to the countryside.


46-50 ABDAD

46.What has become of the rural areas nowadays?

A)They are becoming somewhat deserted.

47.What does the author think of the rurallifestyle?

B)It is less energy-efficient compared to that incities.

48.What does the author think of rich urbanresidents buying a second home in thecountryside?

D)It is detrimental to rural preservation.

49.What do we learn about the countryside withindustrialisation and technological advances?

A)It is destined to change gradually.

50.What does the author think of the future of thecountryside compared with cities?

D)It is less easy to envisage.

Passage Two


Statements,like"beauty isin the eye of thebeholder(观看者),"are rarely questioned...



51.What did the passage say about the statement"beauty is in the eye of the beholder"?

A)It has hardly ever been disputed.

52.What does a recent study exploring aesthetictaste show?

C)There is less consensus on objects shaped byhuman craft.

53.Why do people differ in their aestheticappraisal of artifacts?

D)They come into people's view less often thannatural spaces.

54.What does the example of sunset tell aboutnature?

B)It displays aesthetic traits in a similar way theworld over.

55.Why do artifacts notjalways hold universalappeal?

C)The waytheir creators apply the principle ofbeauty may not be pleasing to everybody.


College provides a great opportunity for students to ex-plorevarious possibilities and find the right path for them-selves.This transformative period is characterized by awealth of resources and experiences that facilitate self-dis-covery and personal development.(大学为学生提供了一个极好的机会,让他们探索各种可能性并找到适合自己的道路。这一变革时期充满了丰富的资源和经历,有助于自我发现和个人发展。)

Firstly,the diverse array of academic courses allows stu-dents to delve into multiple disciplines,helping themidentify their true passions and strengths.Such explora-tion can lead to a more informed choice of major andcareer path.Secondly,college life is replete with extracur-ricular activities that enhance social skills and leadershipabilities.Engaging in clubs and societies not only broad-ens one's perspective but also fosters a sense of communi-ty and teamwork.Thirdly,the independence and responsi-bility that come with college life teach students valuablelife skills,such as time management and financial plan-

ning,which are essential for future success.(首先,多样的学术课程让学生能够深入研究多个学科,帮助他们发现自己的真正兴趣和优势。这种探索可以引导他们做出更明智的专业选择和职业规划。其次,大学生活充满了课外活动,这些活动可以增强社交技能和领导能力。参与俱乐部和社团不仅能拓宽视野,还能培养社区意识和团队合作精神。第三,大学生活带来的独立性和责任感教会了学生宝贵的生活技能,如时间管理和财务规划,这些技能对未来的成功至关重要。)

In summary,college is a pivotal time for students to ex-plore and grow.To make the most of this period,studentsshould actively participate in a variety of activities,seekout new experiences,and reflect on their interests and as-pirations.By doing so,they can chart a fulfilling and suc-cessful path for their future.(总之,大学是学生探索和成长的关键时期。为了充分利用这一时期,学生应积极参与各种活动,寻求新的体验,并反思自己的兴趣和抱负。通过这样做,他们可以为自己的未来规划出一条充实而成功的道路。)



参考译文:Exploring space has always been a dream of the Chinese nation. In 2003, the successful launch of "Shenzhou 5" made Yang Liwei the first Chinese astronaut to fly into space. In 2008, "Shenzhou 7" was launched, and Zhai Zhigang became the first Chinese astronaut to conduct a spacewalk. In recent years, China's space industry has entered the "fast lane" of technological development, with comprehensive advancements in space infrastructure construction. By 2022, the construction of the Chinese space station was fully completed. The rapid development of China's space industry has written a glorious chapter in the history of the Chinese nation and made significant contributions to the advancement of human civilization. In the future, China's steps in space exploration will be steadier and faster.





About 23%of the global population lives in absolutepoverty.


26-30 JHOAl 31-35 LFCED












spaThe Free-Trade Paradox


36-40 GCIDM 41-45 JEHAL


36.People became more and more reliant on others for basic needs as they entered the modernworld even though they might feel less so.

【G】定位:At the advent of the modern world,thedivision of labor spread further and further

throughout society.Each person became more andmore dependent on others for their basic needs.

37.0n the topic of trade,productive debates mightbe possible,in contrastto the familiar mutualcondemnation in discussing other issues.

C】定位:Fruitful debates might actually take place in this area,as opposed to the familiar ritualwe've become accustomed to of condemnationmet with counter-condemnation.

38.We feel greater independence than we actuallypossess because money allows us to buy thingswithout building any relationships.

【1】定位:Money allows us to purchase the workof others without giving any thought to them ashuman beings.

39.The trouble with today's trade stems frommisconceptions rather than money.

【D】定位:Strange as it might sound,the problemwith trade in the modern world isn't a matter ofdollars and cents.It'samatter of falseconsciousness.

40.For their arguments to prevail,advocates offree trade must try to forge bonds of affectionbetween consumers at home and producersoverseas.

【M】定位:If free-traders are going to win policyarguments in the future,they'll have to find a wayof forging bonds of affection between Americanconsumers and foreign producers.

41.According to Tocqueville,unlike our ancestors,we and the people we do trade with are strangersto each other.

【J】定位:As opposed to the ancestors

Tocqueville compares us to,we do not know thepeople with whom we have to do,in either theeconomic or the political sphere.

42.In primitive societies,people had to rely mostly

on themselves to meet their personal needs.

【E】定位:In primitive societies,he notes,thedivision of labor was as yet undeveloped for themost part,requiring each person,family,or tribe口to be relatively independent when it came tomeetingtheir own basic material needs.

43.Few commodities in American homes are notreliant on people abroad in the process ofmanufacture and sale.

【H】定位:There is scarcely a single commodityin any American household that isn'tdependentforits manufacture and sale)through one supplychain or another,on scores of differentpeoplespread out across the entire globe.

44.Protectionists argue against free trade byreferringto the losses suffered by domesticproducers and communities.

【A】定位:Protectionists point to the domesticproducers who've paid the price forthis

globalized economy in the form of lost livelihoodsand hollowed-out communities.

45.Itis extremely hard to make people feeldependent on and grateful to stranger overseas.

【L】定位:It'sexceedingly difficult for humanbeings to feel gratitude toward strangers,and theglobal marketplace that has made us so rich hasalso made us strangers to one another.

Passage One


spaThere are hundreds of personality quizzes online thatassert they can ascertain whether...


46-50 BCAAD

46.What do numerous penonality quirzes onlineclaim they are able to do?

B)Determine whether one is left-brained or right-brained.

47.What does the author say is sometimes stranger than fiction?

C)How the two hemispheres of our brainscooperate.

48.Why did many scientists have difficulty endorsing the idea that different areas of the braindo different things?

A)It contradicts the assumption that the twohemispheres of the brain are symmetrical.

49.What belief have neuroscientists long rejectedaccording to the passage?

A)There are left-dominant people and right-dominant people with different personalities.

50.What are we advised to do with an online quizthat tells us something about ourselves?

D)Question its reliability.

Passage Two


Statements,like "beauty is in the eye of thebeholder(观看者),"arerarely questioned..


51-55 DBCCD

51.What do we learn about team teaching fromthe passage?

D)Itis closely coordinated despite seemingconfusion.

52.What does initial research suggest regardingWestwood's innovative teaching model?

B)It could turn out to be a success.

53.What did superintendent Andi Fourlis sayabout the teaching profession?

C)Progress is slow dueto lack of collaborationamong teachers

54.What does the author want to show by citing

English teacher Jeff Hall's experience?

C)The new teaching model helps inform theteacher how their instruction is received.

55.What does the author think is one of thedifficult problems inimplementing the newteaching mode!?

D)How to assess each teacher's performance.


To increase the likelihood of success,one shouldset realis-tic goals and work persistently towards them.In a worldwhere aspirations often outstrip reality,the importance ofgoal-setting cannot be overstated.It serves as a roadmap,guidingindividuals towards their desired outcomes.(为了增加成功的可能性,一个人应该设定现实的目标并坚持不懈地努力。在一个理想常常超越现实的世界里,目标设定的重要性不容忽视。它就像一张路线图,引导个人朝着他们期望的结果前进。)

Firstly,realistic goals are attainable and therefore moremotivating.They provide a clear target,making it easiertoplan and execute strategies.This sense of direction canboost confidence and drive,leading to higher chances ofachievement.Secondly,by setting specific objectives,in-dividuals can measure their progress and make necessaryadjustments.This process of self-evaluation fosters per-sonal growth and development.Thirdly,persistence is keyto overcoming obstacles.Working diligently towards goalsinstills resilience,enabling individuals to perseverethrough challenges and setbacks.(首先,现实的目标是可实现的,因此更具激励作用。它们提供了一个明确的目标,使得规划和执行策略变得更加容易。这种方向感可以增强信心和动力,从而提高实现目标的机会。其次,通过设定具体的目标,个人可以衡量自己的进展并做出必要的调整。这种自我评估的过程促进了个人的成长和发展。第三,坚持不懈是克服障碍的关键。努力实现目标培养了韧性,使个人能够在面对挑战和挫折时坚持下去。)

In conclusion,the combination of realistic goal-setting andpersistent effort is a potent recipe for success.To embarkon this path,one should identify achievable goals,monitorprogress,and remain steadfast in the face of adversity.Byadopting this approach,individuals can unlock their fullpotential andrealize their dreams.(总之,现实的目标设定和坚持不懈的努力结合起来,是成功的有效配方。要踏上这条道路,一个人应该确定可实现的目标,监测进展,并在逆境中保持坚定。通过采用这种方法,个人可以释放他们的全部潜力,实现他们的梦想。)



参考译文:Yangshan Port, an integral part of Shanghai's shipping center, is China's first deep-water port and one of the largest deep-water ports in the world. After nearly 20 years of construction, Yangshan Port has achieved a high level of automation. The use of digital technology and artificial intelligence has significantly reduced labor costs and carbon emissions. The independently developed terminal management system allows for remote control of large equipment from hundreds of kilometers away. Although Yangshan Port appears busy, there is no visible manual operation on-site, and it can operate continuously 24 hours a day. Yangshan Port will continue to develop, making greater contributions to establishing Shanghai as a global shipping center.





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