
2024-10-17 08:46:00来源:网络



  NAIROBI— The Riyadh Majengo Mosque on theoutskirts of Nairobi has been accused of being ahub of radicalization, for youth turning to theSomali militant group al-Shabab. But the imamof the mosque said he and others work to turnyoungsters away from extremist activity.

  This is twenty-three-year-old Ibrahim Nyongesa, a resident of Pumwani on the outskirts of theKenyan capital. He earns about $50 per month, making and selling coconut confections.

  Four years ago, Nyongesa became radicalized after listening to sermons from some of themosques in Pumwani. But he stopped short of joining al-Shabab, he said, after hearing what hecalls "correct" teachings from the Riyadh Majengo Mosque.

  “I changed from being radicalized after listening to sermons and teachings of the sheikhs at themosque, and I came to discover that in Islam one is not allowed to shed innocent blood,” saidNyongesa.

  High unemployment

  Pumwani has a population of about thirty thousand people. Unemployment here is high withmost youth doing odd jobs to earn a living.

  Critics of the mosque say it has become a focal point for young men who think militancy is theanswer to Kenya's problems. Two years ago, police raided the area and arrested youths whosaid they were part of the mosque. Two weeks ago, a member of the mosque who works forthe country’s parliament was arrested on allegations that he has links to al-Shabab.

  Three years ago, Idrisi Nyaboga joined the mosque as its imam. He said allegations the mosquefunds and encourages terror activities are unfounded.

  Nyaboga said the mosque works to de-radicalize the youth around Majengo.

  “When we encounter a Muslim so radicalized meaning his views are against the teachings of theProphet and the Quran, we explain the truth in detail until they change their hardline stance.Once they know the truth it's then up to them," he said. "Forcing them to be moderate isanother thing altogether. We cannot force them. Ours is to show them the way and tell themthat their radicalized stand is wrong.”

  Advocating inclusion

  Benji Ndolo from the Organization of National Empowerment, a group that advocates for policychange and good governance, said the problem of radicalization could be addressed by thegovernment through inclusion.

  “It's got to do more in terms of programs, in terms of affirmative action, in terms of proactive,you know, measures, to bring the youth into mainstream nation-building, whether it's tenders[contracts], whether it's projects, whether it's different undertakings to create opportunity forthem to earn something and get them off the sidelines," said Ndolo.

  Kenyans are concerned about Islamic militancy in the wake of deadly attacks claimed by al-Shabab. Last month, al-Shabab gunmen killed 148 people at a university in the town of Garissa.The group said the attack was in retaliation for Kenya's military involvement in Somalia.



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