
2024-10-15 08:41:00来源:网络



  the metropolitan rush hour

  it is just 7 ∶00 in the morning and already there ar e the early birds at the subway and bu s station s . not wanting to be caught up in the rus h hour , they rise ea rly so as to be ahead of the mad crowds who will soon appea r from all dir ections . quietly they get into the subway tr ain and the buses and lean back to catch up on their sleep .

  with the hand s of the clock pointing at 7∶20 , the exciting scene happen s . out of nowhere there ar e thousands of vehicles on the road , cars , motor -cycles , taxis , bu ses and bikes fly their way through st r eets and lanes , horning at each other and cursing the t raffic lights . t he re are also people, sma rtly dressed office ladies and gentlemen , uniformed workers , nurses , teacher s and students , rushing about , now and then anxiously glancing a t their watches and blaming everybody that block s the way . school childr en seem neve r to walk but run everywhe re like a swarm of bees . to the ru sh mas s nothing is more important than get ting in time to their destinations .

  this is the met ropolitan rush hour . but about an hour later , the roads a re fr ee of heavy t raffic, people are seen walking slowly , vacant seats on the buses a re waiting for passengers . the mad rus h for the day is over , but it will be repeated at the same time the next day .



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