2023下半年英语六级听力短文:Cool weather and Warm weather

2023-08-11 08:29:00来源:网络

  在英语六级备考中,对于基础薄弱的同学,六级听力是难以跨越的鸿沟,英语六级听力怎么练才能提高呢?新东方在线整理了2023下半年英语六级听力短文:Cool weather and Warm weather,希望能够对大家有所帮助!

  2023下半年英语六级听力短文:Cool weather and Warm weather

  If you are like most people, your intelligence varies from season to season. You are probably a lot sharper in the spring than you are any other time of year. A noted scientist, Ellsworth Huntington 1876 - 1947 concluded from other mans’ work and his own among peoples in different climates that climate and temperature have a definite effect on our mental abilities.

  He found that cool weather is much more favorable for creative thinking than summer heat. This does not mean that all people are less intelligent in summer than they are during the rest of the year. It does mean, however, that the mental abilities of large numbers of people tend to be lowest in the summer.

  Spring appears to be the best time of the year for thinking. Fall is the next-best season than winter. As for summer, it seems to be a good time to take a long vacation from thinking.

  以上就是新东方在线英语六级频道为大家整理的“2023下半年英语六级听力短文:Cool weather and Warm weather”内容供大家学习,预祝大家高分通过英语六级考试



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