
2020-12-12 17:50:04来源:网络



  Why students should been-courage to develop the ability to meetchallenges

  In recent years ,fosteringstudents'abiit y tomeet challenges is becoming increasingly preva-lent, which plays an increasingly important rolein students 'development.

  A number of factors might contribute to thisphenomenon .Ontheonehand, the social devel -opment requires students to face obstacles

  bravely .In this highly competitive society ,people are expected to arm themselves with theability to encounter challenges and the spirit ofpersistence ,soastopave the way for their future .Forexample, thanks to his ability to over -come difficulties ,MaYun finally emerged as thepioneer at Internet payment business , althoughhe failed at so many times .Ontheotherhand,companies prefer employees able to get overchallenges to vulnerable bookworms .Consider-ing the truth that its adversity that makes aman, those with the capacity to pull through arealways regarded as a tower of strength inacor-poration .Besides, to improve the overall powerof a country also entails the cultivation of hard -bittentalents.

  Cultivating the ablity to meet challenges iscru-cial for every individual .Withitsmagicpower,itcan definitely spur continuous development ofthe individuals .


  46.B)People's reluctance to be compelled to eatplant-based food .

  47.A) Radically change their dietary habits .

  48.B) Many people simply do not have access to foodsthey prefer

  49.D)Itmayworsen the nourishment problem inlow-income countries .

  50.A)It accepts them at the expense of the long - terminterests of its people .

  51.C) They constantly dismiss others ' proposals whiletaking no responsibility for tacklingpassthe problem .

  52.D A distinction should be drawn between responsibility and fault pass

  53.A Stop them from going further by agreeing withthe m.

  54.B) They are prompted to come up with ideas formaking possible changes .

  55.C Assuming responsibility to free oneself



  The 1,956-kilometre Qinghai-Tibet Railway is the world 'shighest and longest plateau railway with 960 kilometresabove the altitude of 4, 000 metres, and the first trainLineto join Tibet and other areas of China .Asit crosses theworld 'smast vulnerable eco-system . continuous ecologicalprotection measures have been adopted during and afterthe construction to guarantee“a green railroad .”The Q in-ghai-Tibet Railway substantially shortens the travelling timebetween inland China and Tibet, and, more importantly,considerably promotes the economic development of Tibetand improves the living condition of the local people . Afterthe railway 's operation, more and more people choose tovisit Tibet by train so that they have the opportunity toadmire the beautiful scenery along the way.


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