
2016-06-13 16:19:06来源:网络

  Part VI Translation (5 minutes)

  Directions: Complete the following sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.

  72. It turned out that getting fired from that company ________________________ (对我来说是发生在我身上的最棒的事情).

  73. It is necessary that ________________________ (马上把他送到医院).

  74. Make a list each day of all that you are grateful for, ________________________ (这样你就能每天都注意到从别人那里得到了什么).

  75. His silence suggested that ________________________ (他赞成我的决定,并决定执行那个计划).

  76. Only with combined efforts, ________________________ (我们才能期望我们的国家有新的面貌).


  Part I Writing

  Salary or Interest

  Upon graduation, virtually all college students will confront the problem of choosing their careers. It is truly a tough choice. Students’ opinions differ greatly on this issue. Some hold that priority should be given to their interest in the job, but others take the attitude that salary is the most critical factor influencing their career choices.

  As for myself, I prefer the latter view. A well-paid job exerts a tremendous fascination on a great number of people, with no exception to me. Although it might be impossible to measure the value of one’s job in terms of money, salary counts most when I choose my future career. In my view, our career choices largely depend on how and where we have been brought up. I come from a poor urban family and my parents are both laid-off workers. In order to finance my tuition, they have been working hard over the past four years. As the only son in my family, I have to shoulder the burden of supporting my family.

  In short, salary is the first consideration in my choice of career.

  Part II Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)

  1. Y 根据题干中的信息词age-old desire定位到原文第一段,可知美国围家地理新闻整理了近期历史上让人印象深刻的恶作剧,这些谎言欺骗的是那些易受骗的、轻易信任他人的人,用以满足有些人想要捉弄他人的想法,故该句表述正确。

  2. NG 根据题干中的信息词Internet hoaxes定位到第一个小标题,可知互联网促进了恶作剧的增多,该部分接着介绍了通过电子邮件骗人的把戏,但并没有表明电子邮件恶作剧是惟一的网络恶作剧形式。

  3. N 根据题干中的信息词Dihydrogen monoxide定位到第二个小标题,由该标题下的第二段可知,所谓的一氧化二氢其实就是H?2O,也就是水。而关于水被用做工业溶剂的说法是吓唬人的,故该句表述错误。

  4. N 根据题干中的信息词Dihydrogen monoxide定位到第二个小标题,再由corrosion and rusting定位到该标题下的倒数第二段,可知爱开玩笑的人还将加速腐蚀和生锈、严重烧伤、吸入致死等其他危险和一氧化二氢联系起来,结合前文提到的一氧化二氢就是水可知,这些不过是哄弄人的说法,故该句表述错误。

  5. several newsgroup readers。根据题干中的信息词Alabama changed the value of Pi定位到第三个小标题,再由forwarded the article定位到该标题下第四段,可知有些新闻读者将文章发给朋友,还将其登在其他新闻版块中。再结合上下文可知,正是这些新闻读者的做法导致了那条虚假新闻的大肆传播。

  6. newspapers,radio,and television。根据题干中的信息词traditional media outlets定位到第四个小标题,可知在互联网出现之前,甚至是现在,报纸、广播和电视这类传统媒体有时也会捉弄公众,由此可得答案。

  7. much about the rest of Europe。根据题干中的信息词Swiss spaghetti harvest定位到第五个小标题,该部分最后一段提到,Boese表示,英国人不太了解欧洲其他国家。再结合上文可知,这正是许多英国人相信瑞士的意大利面条大丰收的原因。

  8. the national debt。根据题干中的信息词Taco Bell Corporation和Liberty Bell定位到第六个小标题,再由Irvine定位到该标题下的第一段,可知一项公告报道Taco Bell公司买下了自由钟,并要将其挪到加利福尼亚的欧文市,该公司表示移动该钟是为了帮助缓解国家债务,由此可得答案。



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