
2017-11-09 14:31:32来源:网络

  Plastic, it seems, is no longer fantastic. Even Hollywood, that factory of artifice (欺骗), is demanding areturn to reality when it comes to women’s bodies.

  Disney Studio's recent casting call for female extras for the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean film included a surprise announcement: "Must have real breasts. Do not submit if you have implants (移植物)." Surgically enhanced breasts might still be considered sexy or essential by airhead starlets and models. but the new buzzword(时髦语) in America is"authenticity". That's why. for women in the public eye. having fake breasts is looking increasingly less like a career move and more like career suicide. Another indication thatfake breasts are going bust is the fact that television shows such as Extreme Makeover and The Swan (TV which promised to nip and tuck ordinary women into goddesses) have been cancelled. while statistics from theAmerican Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery show that the number of breast enlargements in America fellfrom 365,000 to 312,000 last year.

  In many surveys. research has shown that the larger the breasts, the more stupid a woman is considered to be. Other women,meanwhile, consider women with large breasts as a threat-so having a surgical enhancement is a lose-lose situation. Chantelle Houghton (from Big Brother remember her?) almost immediately regrettedgelling implants to boost her chest and admits that they were "taking over her life". and she had io resort to physiotherapy to deal with the back pain they caused. Even Sharon Osbourne, voted the queen of nip and tuck(整容手术), said recently: "I wish I'd never had my breasts done. It's like having a waterbed on your chest I hate them. I want to have the bags taken out-then I'll put them on eBay."

  The more stories we hear like this the better. because then perhaps young women will realize that large breasts aren’t che assets they think they are-or Hollywood has made them out to be.

  1. What is the new trend in Hollywood as to women’s bodies?

  2. For mindless starlets and models. plastic breasts might be___________________.

  3. That surgically enhanced breasts are not popular is manifested by the______________ of some TV shows.

  4. According to many surveys. if a woman has large breasts. she will be regarded as_______________by otherwomen.

  5. The author hopes that through some real stories, young women can be aware that large breasts____________________as they think.




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