
2016-08-29 11:31:39来源:网络

  CET6英语六级作文范文精讲99篇,第059篇,是关于关于青少年犯罪 的话题作文范文。供在准备英语六级的同学参考学习。

  cet6六级级作文范文:about juvenile delinquency关于青少年犯罪

  about juvenile delinquency

  one of the much-talked-about present-day social problems is juvenile delinquency , and its rate of f requency is seemingly on the rise .

  it is r epor ted in newspapers that the delinquents r ange in age from 12 to 18 . only a small por tion have committed serious crimes like kidnapping and murdering . t hose cases are handled through the cour t system . most of the delinquencies fall into four categories : br awling , including gang fighting with deadly weapons ; theft , mostly pet ty , sexually promiscuous behaviour and addiction to drugs . the delinquents are gener ally placed under tempor ary supervision by neighbour - hood commit tees , work units or reform schools .

  the causes of juvenile delinquency ar e varied . th rough media we of ten come acros s the following cases:

  ill-t reatment to t eenage rs by their step-fathe rs or stepmothers often lead to family t ragedies . school pupil delinquents, being not properly car ed for , have chronic behaviour problems . their par ents a re too busy either with busines s or with gambling . still , the re ar e cases resulted f rom par ents’or grandpar ents’indulgence to their dar lings . petty theft once or twice is not punis hed but encouraged . gr adually these pet ty thieves grow addicted to stealing . adolescents t ried drugs mostly out of curiosity before they finally became habitual drug-take rs .

  not a few examples can be found around us in our daily life . limited by time and space , i have to skip them ove r . however , juvenile delinquency , being a serious social problem concerning the young gener ation , cer tainly dese rves special a ttention . i think of all the things we can do, the most fundamental one is deepening and st rengthening education so as to ultimat ely save the young .



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