
2016-07-12 17:49:16来源:网络

  CET6英语六级作文范文精讲99篇:018 You Have Interviewed Three People for An Engineering Job in Your Company .(Chart )你必须为你公司的工程部应聘三人

  CET6英语六级作文范文精讲99篇,第018篇,是关于你必须为你公司的工程部应聘三人 的话题作文范文。供在准备英语六级的同学参考学习。0cet6六级级作文范文:you have interviewed three people for an engineering job in your company .(chart )你必须为你公司的工程部应聘三人

  you have interviewed three people for an engineering job in your company .(chart )

  cha racte ristics of three people inte rviewed for a job ability tocommunicate in speaking and writing general appearance educational background recommendation from evious employer ability in speaking and writing makes me disappointed and i wonder why he is not strongly r ecommended by his previous employer .

  per son c can ve ry well communicate in speaking and writing and both his educational background and the recommendation from his forme r employer a re equally good , except for the fact that the gene ral opinions about him are not in favour of him .

  well , everybody has his good points and shortcomings and my three applicants ar e no exceptions .

  then , the problem is which one i should choose and which one is the most suit able for the position ?

  before the choice is made , i think it is neces sa ry to point out that we need a person who can do engineering job well . as an engineer or a tech nician , the person to be chosen must have a solid educational foundation , must be capable of expressing his ideas both in speaking and writing . in addition , he mu st be hard-working . good record of his pr evious work is also very impor tant because it se rves as an objective evaluation of his past ca reer .

  after giving a car eful conside ration to the problem, i have finally decided to offer each of them an equal oppor tunity to work for a proba tion period of three months . by then , i think i will be able to select the one who best fits the position .



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