
2015-11-19 14:59:22来源:网络



  19. A) They have bright colors and intricate patterns. B) They can only survive in parts of the Americas. C) They are the only insect that migrates along fixed routes. D) They have strong wings capable of flying long distances. 通过描述,尤其是选项C,我们可以知道they指的是一种昆虫,这些体貌特征、行动特征都是描述该昆虫的。

  20. A) In a Michigan mountain forest. B) In a Louisiana mountain forest. C) In a Kentucky mountain forest. D) In a Mexican mountain forest. 浏览四个选项,都是在说地点,山林中,唯一的不同在于地点不同,因此要着重听地方的名字。

  21. A) Each flock of butterflies lays eggs in the same states. B) They start to lay eggs when they are nine months old. C) Each generation in a cycle lays eggs at a different place. D) Only the strongest can reach their destination to lay eggs. 四个选项都涉及到产卵,不同的是横线的部分,有的说在同一个洲、有的是不同的洲、有的是九个月大、有的是最强壮的才能产。

  22. A) Evolution of monarch butterflies. B) Living habits of monarch butterflies. C) Migration patterns of monarch butterflies. D) Environmental impacts on monarch butterfly life. 此题一看就是主题题,也就是为文章选题目。


  Monarch butterflies, the large origin black insects, are common summer sights in northern United States and Canada. They brighten in parks and gardens as they fly among the flowers. What makes monarch butterflies particularly interesting is they migrate, all the way to California or Mexico in back. They are thought to be the only insect that does this. Every year in the late summer, monarch begin their migration to the south, those heading for Mexico go first for the Louisiana Mississippi region. And then they fly to go across Mexico into Texas. Once in Mexico, they establish themselves in one of about 15 sizes in the mountain forth. Each side provides the winter home for millions of monarchs. The butterflies are so numerous that they often cover the entire trees. When spring comes, they began their long journey north. The question is often asked whether every butterfly makes the round trip journey every year. And the answer is no. The average monarch lives about nine month. So when fly the north, they might lay eggs in Louisiana and die. The eggs of that following generation may be found in Kentucky, the eggs of next generation may be in the Kang Michigan. The last generation of the season about the forth may make the journey back in Mexico and restart the cycle. Scientists learn about the monarch butterflies’migration by capturing and placing the identifying tags in the insects. By recapturing the attempt of the monarch and noting where they came from, the next scientist can figure out things like butterfly’s age and its routing.

  19. What is the unique about the monarch butterfly according to the speaker? 问的是蝴蝶的独特之处,答案出现在二句一个问句中,里边的关键词如particular、the only,对于解题甚是帮助。

  20. Where does the butterfly settle at the end of the migration? 该题对应的选项并不是很难,只需要听到地名选出即可。

  21. What does the speaker say about the monarch butterflies’ reproduction? “Lay eggs”出现的相关地方涉及到诸多地名,需要稍加推理,得出卵下在了不同的洲。

  22. What is the talk mainly about ? 全文的关键词,也就是出现次数非常之多的单词migrate,因此选的是其名词形式migration.






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