
2014-07-04 10:57:53来源:网络


Part3 Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before asking your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage.

To get a sense of how women have progressed in science, take a quick tour of the physics department at the University of California, Berkeley. This is a storied place, the 36 of some of the most important discoveries in modern science--- starting with Ernest Lawrence’s invention of the cyclotron (回旋 加速器)in 1931. A generation ago, female faces were 37 and, even today, visitors walking through the first floor of LeConte Hall will see a full corridor of exhibits 38 the many distinguished physicists who made history here, 39 all of them white males.

But climb up to the third floor and you’ll see a 40 display. There, among the photos of current faculty members and students, are portraits of the 41 head of the department, Marjorie Shapiro, and four other women whose research 42 everything from the mechanics of the universe to the smallest particles of matter. A sixth woman was hired just two weeks ago. Although they're still only about 10 percent of the physics faculty, women are clearly a presence here. And the real 43 may be in the smaller photos to the right: graduate and undergraduate students, about 20 percent of them female. Every year Berkeley sends its fresh female physics PhDs to the country's top universities. That makes Shapiro optimistic, but also 44 "I believe things are getting better," she says, "but they're not getting better as 45 as I would like."


A) circumstance F) different K) presently

B) confidence G) exposing L) rare

C) covers H) fast M) realistic

D) current I) honoring N) site

E) deals J) hope O) virtually

Part 3 Section A Reading Comprehension


想要了解女性在科学上取得了怎样的进步,就去快速地逛一下加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校的物理系 吧。这是一个很有名的地方,是一些现代科学最重要的发现的诞生地最早的是1931年Ernest Lawrence发明的回旋加速器。那时候,女性的面孔还很少见。即便是现在,游客走遍勒孔特大厅 一楼,会看到整个走廊里都是纪念这些创造历史的著名的物理学家的展览,而这些人几乎全部都是白人男性。

但爬上三楼,你会看到一个不一样的展览。在那里展出的在职教职工和学生的照片中,有现任系主任 Marjorie Shapiro女士和另外四位女士,她们的研究从宇笛力学到最小的物质颗粒,可请是无所不包..就 在两周前,系里聘请了第六位女士。尽管她们只占物理系教职工的10%,但很明显她们已不可小觀。真 正的希望也许在于右边那些小一点的照片:研究生和本科生,他们中有20%是女性。每年,伯克利都将它 新人学的女物理博士生送往国内顶尖大学。对此,Shapiro的态度很乐观也很现实,她说我认为事情正 在好转,但是并没有像我想要的那样快地好转。"

36. 【考点】名词辨析题。

N)【精析】空格前面是定冠词the,后面是介词of,因 此空格处需要填人名词。根据空格前的a storied place和句意可知,空格处填入的词意思应与 "place"相似。结合备选名词可知,site"场所,地点"符合题意。

37. 【考点】形容词辨析题。

L)【精析】空格前面是be动词were,因此空格处应 填入形容词或名词作表语。结合空格后的内容可知,勒孔特大厅一搂物理学家的展览中, 全部都是白人男性。而空格所在部分介绍的是a generation ago,再根据"female faces",可知这里 说的是女性人数少。结合备选项可知,rare"稀少的"符合题意,故为答案。

38. 【考点】动词辨析题。

I) 【精析】分析句子结构可知,空格前visitors... exhibits部分句子结构完整,空格前面是名词 exhibits,后面是名词短语 the many distinguished physicists,因此空格处应填分词形式。再结合句 意可知,展览应当是为纪念这些人而举办的,由此 确定本题答案为honoring"纪念

39. 【考点】副词辨析题。

o) 【精析】空格前的句子结构完整,空格后是all of them white males,由此可以推断,空格处应填副词,结合上下文可知,这里说的是女性物理学家人数少,男性多,再结合备选项可知virtually"几乎, 差不多"符合题意,故为答案。

40. 【考点】形容词辨析题。

F) 【精析】空格前是冠词a,后面是名词display,因 此空格处应填形容词。结合上下文可知,文章第 一段末句讲的是一楼的情况(大部分是男性),本 段讲三楼的情况(很多女性),因此三搂的展览和 一楼的是不一样的,因此本题答案为different"不 同的"。

41. 【考点】形容词辨析题。

D) 【精析】空格前是定冠词the,后面是名词短语 head of the department,因此空格处应填形容词。 the head of the department"系主任"本身意思就 是完整的,所以填人的形容词应当是对其身份的更准确的描述,结合备选项可知,current"当前的" 符合题意,the current head of the department 意 为"现任系主任"。

42. 【考点】动词辨析题。

C) 【精析】空格前是whose research,空格后是everything from... to...,因此空格处应填人及物动词,作 whose引导的定语从句的谓语。结合备选动词可 知covers"包含"符合题意,故为答案。

43. 【考点】名词辨析题。

J)【精析】空格前是the real,后面是may be,因此空 格处应填名词。上文提到,教职人员中有6位女 性,下文则指出,学生中女性的比例占到20%,由 此可以推测,空格所在句表达的是女学生的数量 才是真正的希望所在,由此确定本题答案为hope "希望"。

44. 【考点】形容词辨析题。

M)【精析】分析句子结构可知,空格所在句是"make sb.+fl."的结构,因此空格处应填人形容词。由 空格前的but可知,填入的形容词应与optimistic 意思相对,再结合备选形容词可知,realistic"现实 的,实际的"符合题意,故为答案。

45. 【考点】副词辨析题。

H) 【精析】空格前是not getting better as,空格后是 as I would like,可知此空格处应填入副词。上文提到,她的态度既乐观又实际,所以她认为事情正在好转,但没有像她想要的那样好转,结合备选副词可知,fast"快速地"符合题意,故为H答案。



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